Dark Mofo 2020 Has Been Cancelled Due to Coronavirus Concerns

'Fear Eats the Soul' - Dark Mofo 2016

'Fear Eats the Soul' - Dark Mofo 2016 ·Photo: Michaela Gleave

“We’ve had to act decisively to ensure Dark Mofo’s long term survival.”

Dark Mofo 2020 has been cancelled due to coronavirus (COVID-19) concerns.

Since launching in 2013, the winter festival – which is run by the Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) – has become one of the most unique and anticipated festivals on Australia’s cultural calendar. It also brings in tens of thousands of interstate tourists to Tasmania each year.

“After a thorough risk assessment on the potential impact and disruption of coronavirus, we have been left with no option other than to move the current program to 2021,” creative director Leigh Carmichael said in a statement.

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The festival was scheduled to run from June 10 to 22. This cancellation, three months out, is intended to avoid a more costly last-minute cancellation down the track.

Bon Iver’s sold out performances, scheduled for June 12 and 13, will still go ahead as planned, subject to further government advice.

“Naturally, Leigh Carmichael is forlorn, but he sees no other option,” Mona founder David Walsh said in a statement on Dark Mofo's website. “He and Dark’s committed staff had planned another bang-up celebration.

“We could soldier on, without consideration or advantage, have the crowd turn up anyway, and send them home sick. Worse than that, for me at least, would be proceeding with Dark Mofo and having it fail, and thus having it become the final Dark Mofo.

“So we'll see you next year. Assuming, that is, another black swan doesn’t cause another white elephant.”

Read Broadsheet's review of last year's festival: “I Went to Dark Mofo 2019 and All I Did Was Sing in a Choir to 3000 People”


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