It’s been just over a year since cult street-art superstar KAWS took over the NGV with his cartoonish, exuberant and instantly recognisable sculptures.

But, after 14 months in the works, one of the New York-based artist’s sculptures has finally landed at the 135-hectare Pt Leo Estate on the Mornington Peninusla, where it now takes pride of place in the winery’s sculpture park.

The colossal 5.5-metre-tall sculpture – titled Share – was cast in bronze before being painted in understated greys and browns. It’s grasping a smaller similar-looking “BFF” figure (often featured in KAWS’s work), which is painted in eye-popping blue.

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Share is the latest addition to Pt Leo’s sculpture park, an outdoor gallery where you can meander along a series of winding paths and take in more than 60 mostly large-scale works from renowned local and international artists – with Phillip Island or sweeping vineyards in the background.

The estate also has an on-site fine diner, Laura, as well as a vast restaurant, cellar door and wine terrace.

Pt Leo Estate’s sculpture park is open daily from 11am to 6pm. Entry is $10 for adults and $5 for kids.