Due to Covid’s ongoing impact, and with 200 of its Melbourne staff currently in self-isolation, Australia Post is currently inundated. So, it’s temporarily pausing parcel pick-ups, collections and business lodgements for e-commerce retailers in Greater Melbourne for five days.

The pause will last from Friday October 1 to Wednesday October 6, and means your online-shopping orders will likely be delayed.

“With parcel volumes at Christmas levels, our network continues to be under increased pressure, and is amplified in Victoria where we continue to manage a heavily reduced workforce due to the impact of the Delta strain,” a press release reads.

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“The temporary pause will help manage the record volumes being experienced in the network and importantly return them to a level that is safe and manageable for our people.”


This article was updated on September 30. An earlier version incorrectly stated the pause extended to collecting parcels from the post office.