Melbourne’s lockdown ends
at 11.59pm tomorrow night, but we’ve got some bad news for those who had planned to go to the pub – and finally get on the beers – at the stroke of midnight.
In a press conference today, Victoria’s Covid-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar clarified that the curfew remains in place until midnight.
“There’s no leave pass between 9pm and midnight tomorrow night, so you’ll have to wait for the witching hour to strike, and then you can make your way down to the local pub,” he said. “I am sure there will be some pubs that will be open.
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SIGN UP“We all want to go to have a drink at midnight tomorrow night, or after midnight – I might wait till the next day. We all want to enjoy those new freedoms and I’m sure we all will, but can we all please just remember this is one important step,” he said.
The clarification comes after Victoria recorded 1841 new locally acquired coronavirus cases today, bringing the state’s total number of active cases to 22,598.
Weimar also issued a reminder to Melburnians: “It’s not a mass Freedom Day, it’s not a mass ‘let’s go completely nuts’. There is still a significant risk.”