From October 1, cat owners in the City of Knox – in Melbourne’s east – will be required to keep their feline friends on the premises 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

While the human residents of the area became familiar with government-enforced stay-at-home orders last year, it’s now their cats who must abide by the rules. Cats must be confined to a house, shed, garage, yard or enclosure.

“Much like the rules for dogs and other pets, cats won’t be allowed to roam freely from their owners’ property,” Knox City Council mayor Lisa Cooper said in a statement.

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“When allowed to roam cats are at a much higher risk of illness and injury. Keeping cats within their owners’ property also protects wildlife and prevents them causing nuisance for neighbours and their pets.”

Last year, the City of Knox trialled a curfew that required cats to be at home between sunset and sunrise, which the council says was supported by 86 per cent of residents.

First-time breaches of the curfew can result in a $91 fine, while continuous breaches could lead to fines of up to $545.

Knox City Council’s cat curfew comes into effect on October 1. Residents wanting to provide feedback on it can have their say here.