In a press conference on Thursday morning, Acting Premier James Merlino confirmed regional Victoria’s restrictions will change substantially from midnight tonight.

It comes after the state recorded three new locally acquired cases of coronavirus overnight.

In regional Victoria, the five reasons to leave home will no longer apply and there’ll be no limit on how far you can travel from home – though travel to Melbourne will only be allowed for permitted reasons.

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Masks must still be worn inside, and no visitors will be allowed to your home. But the new public-gathering limit is 10 people. Restaurants and cafes can open for a maximum of 50 people, while retail, beauty, personal-care services and entertainment venues can reopen in line with density limits.

Work or study from home is recommended if you can, but office limits will be capped at 50 per cent. And all year levels and students can return to school.

Melbourne is currently in lockdown. Masks are mandated in public spaces, public gatherings are banned and minimal social contact is recommended. If you have concerns about visiting businesses or public spaces, or questions about self-isolation or coronavirus testing, check out the latest updates from the Department of Health and Human Services.