From 11.59pm on Sunday October 18, Melbourne’s lockdown rules will once again be eased.

Victorian premier Daniel Andrews announced the news in a press conference today, as the state recorded just two new cases of Covid-19.

As part of the loosening of restrictions, the five-kilometre lockdown radius will be extended to 25 kilometres (use these free tools to map how far you can travel from your home); the two-hour time limit for outdoor activities (exercise or socialising) will be scrapped; and the number of people able to gather outdoors will be upped from five to 10 (from a maximum of two households).

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Also, subject to Covid-safe conditions, golf and tennis will be allowed. Hairdressers will also be allowed to reopen, subject to some restrictions. Outdoor pools can host 30 swimmers. Indoor pools can open up for one-on-one hydrotherapy with a health professional.

Then, from 11.59pm on Sunday November 1, the four reasons to leave home will be removed. Again, subject to Covid-safe conditions, hospitality will reopen for 20 people inside and 50 people outside, and retail and other beauty and personal services with reopen. Plus, outdoor seated entertainment will resume for up to people.

“This strategy is working and will continue to work,” said Andrews. “What it means is that as so many cities across the world head into what is going to be a deadly winter, we in Melbourne and across Victoria are well-placed to have a Covid-safe summer and a Covid-normal 2021.”

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