“Now is the time to open up, now is the time to congratulate every single Victorian on staying the course,” Premier Daniel Andrews said in a press conference yesterday.

After more than 100 days in lockdown, metro Melbourne is finally reopening. And Andrews has announced a raft of changes to restrictions that will come into effect from Wednesday October 28.

From 11.59pm on October 27:

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• The four reasons to leave home will no longer apply.
• Restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes will be allowed to reopen – for 20 people inside and 50 people outside. Density limits, record-keeping requirements and Covid-safe plans will apply.
• All remaining retail will reopen.
Once a day, two adults from one household will be able to visit another home accompanied by dependents who can’t be left on their own.
• Outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people will no longer be limited to two households.
• Personal and beauty services, as well as tattooing, will return – so long as a face mask can be worn.
• Contact sport for kids and non-contact sport for adults will recommence.
• Libraries and community venues will be able to host outdoor events.
• Outdoor entertainment venues can begin reopening.
• Faith communities can meet for outdoor religious ceremonies, with up to 20 people in addition to those required for the service.
• Wedding limits will increase to 10 people.
• Twenty people will be permitted at funerals.
• Personal training, fitness and dance classes can be held outdoors for up to 10 people.
• Gyms and indoor fitness venues can reopen with strict safety measures in place.
• The number of people at outdoor pools can increase to 50, subject to density limits.
• Accommodation will also reopen – and with the 25-kilometre radius set to expire on 9 November, this could be a good time to book a holiday.
