As expected, rain was widespread across the state overnight, causing a number of Victoria’s waterways to rise substantially.

In the inner city, an emergency warning was issued at 5.40am for the Maribyrnong River in Melbourne’s north-west, where floodwaters were rising rapidly. Residents of a number of surrounding properties were instructed to evacuate immediately.

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The Anglers Tavern, a pub on the banks of the Maribyrnong, has been inundated. While both Aberfeldie Park and Footscray Park appear largely underwater.

The flooding has closed Raleigh Road near Van Ness Avenue in Maribyrnong.

Meanwhile, roads in Kensington, Ballarat and Smithfield are also closed in both directions due to flooding. Police are directing traffic and motorists are encouraged to avoid the area.

As of 10.15am today, almost 300 roads across the state are closed due to flooding, according to Vic Traffic.

In the north, Merri Creek is looking very “swol”.

And there are river rapids where the Merri meets the Yarra.

In light of the flooding, Vic Emergency has issued a pertinent reminder to Victorians to never drive through floodwaters.

While Victoria’s severe weather warning has been cancelled, many parts of the state are now grappling with flood damage – including Seymour and Castlemaine.

Keep up to date via Vic Emergency and Vic Traffic. If you need assistance, call VICSES on 132 500; if you are in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000).

This article was updated at 10.57am on Friday October 17.