On Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that a positive rapid antigen test result no longer needs to be confirmed with a PCR test, in an effort to relieve overloaded testing systems across the country.
In response, the state’s health minister Martin Foley yesterday announced it will be mandatory in Victoria to report a positive RAT result to the DHHS.
From today, Victorians who test positive for coronavirus via a RAT must log that result in an online form or by phone.
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SIGN UPIf that’s you, you’re considered a “probable” case and must immediately isolate for seven days and notify your close contacts – just as is the case for those who test positive via a PCR test.
When reporting, you’ll be asked nine questions to determine your risk level and what support you might need:
1. Have you been told you have recently been in contact with someone who has Covid-19?
2. Have you been recently unwell with Covid-19 symptoms?
3. Do you need any support to stay home?
4. Have you received at least two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine?
5. How many doses of the vaccine have you received, if any?
6. Have you had any symptoms in the past five days?
7. If you have symptoms how sick do you feel?
8. Do you have the following conditions? (These include pregnancy, cancer treatment, a blood disorder, a psychiatric condition or lung, heart, kidney or liver disease.)
9. Are you happy to contact your GP for your clinical care?
If you answer no to both questions one and two, it’s recommended you get a PCR test to verify your positive RAT result.
Report your positive RAT result online or by calling the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.