A major easing of Melbourne’s restrictions is happening at 11.59pm on Thursday June 17. And further easing is slated for a week’s time, if Covid case numbers remain low. Here’s what’s changing.
From 11.59pm on Thursday June 17:
• The 25-kilometre travel limit will lift, permitting travel between metro Melbourne and regional Victoria. (Travel to regional alpine resorts is only allowed if visitors have had a Covid test within 72 hours of leaving Melbourne.)
• Masks will no longer be mandatory outdoors, unless a 1.5-metre distance cannot be maintained. They will still be required in all indoor settings.
• Small home gatherings will be allowed – two people per day, plus dependents.
• The public-gathering limit will increase to 20 people.
• Gyms can reopen, with density limits and Covid-safe plans in place.
• Hair and beauty services where a mask can’t be worn can resume.
• Accommodation can be booked by single households, plus two adults and their dependants.
• Hospitality venues can host up to 150 people, including no more than 75 indoors, with a maximum group size of 10. But 25 people will be permitted in venues before the one-person-per-four-square-metres density quotient kicks in. Only seated service is permitted.
• Offices can operate at 50 per cent capacity or with 20 people, whichever is greater.
• Weddings can be held with up to 20 people (including the two people getting married, the celebrant and two witnesses). Dance floors aren’t allowed.
• Funerals can go ahead with up to 75 people.
• Religious gatherings can go ahead for up to 150 people, including no more than 75 people indoors.
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