On Monday morning, Krispy Kreme announced it would be giving away 350,000 Original Glazed doughnuts at 30 locations across Australia, including three stores in Victoria with contactless drive-throughs: Fawkner, Fountain Gate and Bulleen.

The offer was for those born between March 13 and July 13, whose birthdays were hijacked by the pandemic. But that turned out to be more Melburnians than Krispy Kreme was prepared for, and the contactless drive-through process – intended to ensure the company was adhering to social distancing guidelines – created a serious traffic jam.

By mid-afternoon all three stores were inundated with cars (one Facebook user complained they couldn’t access a bus stop 200 metres from the Bulleen store) and the Fawkner store, in the city’s north, was closed by Victoria Police.

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“Our Fawkner store is currently closed,” Krispy Kreme announced in a Facebook post. "Our other Victorian stores Bulleen and Fountain Gate are currently at capacity. We will not be accepting any more vehicles into the line at this point.”

Victoria Police confirmed to Broadsheet that police attended the Sydney Road store around 1.40pm after recieving multiple complaints from the public.

A Krispy Kreme spokesperson also confirmed the account.

“Due to traffic congestion, a decision was made with Krispy Kreme Fawkner and local police to close the store,” the spokesperson said.

The store reopened as normal on Tuesday.

Metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire are currently under stage-three lockdown, which means the public can only leave home to shop for food and other supplies; to exercise; to study or work (if you cannot do so from home); and for caregiving and compassionate reasons.