Acting Premier James Merlino has announced a major easing of restrictions for Melbourne, from 11.59pm tomorrow, June 17.

Most notably, the 25-kilometre lockdown radius will be removed, reconnecting metro Melbourne with the rest of Victoria.

And masks will no longer be required outdoors, unless a 1.5-metre distance cannot be maintained. Masks will remain mandatory in all indoor settings, though.

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Small home gatherings will again be allowed – two visitors per day, plus dependents – and public gatherings of up to 20 people can occur.

Gyms and indoor-entertainment venues will be permitted to reopen, and patron caps will increase in a number of settings, including hospitality (where up to 25 people will be permitted in venues before the density quotient kicks in).

If you can work from home, you should continue doing so. But offices will be able to operate at 50 per cent capacity or with 20 people, whichever is greater.