You can soon take a (proper) breather at the airport.

From 11.59pm on Friday June 24, a few changes to the state’s pandemic orders will come into effect – including the removal of the mask mandate at airports.

Masks will still be mandatory on planes, as well as on public transport and in taxis and rideshare vehicles, plus in sensitive settings like hospitals and care facilities.

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There’s also a slight change to the rules about leaving the house if you’re Covid-positive. While seven days of isolation will still be required, you’ll be able to leave home to drive a household member directly to or from work or education without leaving the car.

“These orders mean we can keep in place sensible settings to reduce case numbers and hospitalisations through winter, when the risk of transmission is highest, while allowing Victorians to live safely with Covid-19,” Victorian health minister Martin Foley said in a statement.

“Modest changes to our public health measures will keep Victorians protected as we continue to safely lift mandates and support businesses and individuals to begin to manage their own Covid-19 risk.”