Acting Premier James Merlino has announced Melbourne’s lockdown will lift, as planned, at 11.59pm on Thursday. But a number of restrictions will be place.

He shared the news in a press conference on Wednesday, after the state recorded only one new locally acquired case of coronavirus overnight.

From Friday, the five reasons to leave home will no longer apply. The 10-kilometre radius will be extended to 25 kilometres – stopping Melburnians from travelling too far from home, particularly over the long weekend. (Find out how far 25 kilometres from you actually is using these free tools.) The only reason to go further than that is for work, education, caregiving or to get vaccinated. Travel into regional Victoria is still a no-go.

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Home gatherings will still not be allowed, but public gatherings will be permitted for up to 10 people. And masks will only be mandatory in indoor settings, or in outdoor settings where you cannot maintain a 1.5-metre distance.

Restaurants, cafes and bars will be able to reopen for a maximum of 100 people per venue, with a maximum of 50 people inside. Retail will be able to reopen subject to density requirements (one person per four square metres) and schools can also reopen for face-to-face learning.

Offices will be able to return with a 25 per cent capacity or a cap of 10, whichever is greater.

Gyms will remain closed for now.