In a press conference on Sunday, Premier Daniel Andrews announced a substantial easing of Melbourne’s coronavirus restrictions from November 23 – as well as details of further relaxations planned for November 30 and December 14 (in time for Christmas, end-of-year celebrations and the final days of Hanukkah).

Here’s what the new restrictions mean for you.

From November 23:
• Face masks will no longer be mandatory outdoors in situations where physical distancing is possible. But it will be a requirement to carry a mask at all times, and they’ll still be necessary in all indoor settings.
• Households will be able to host 15 people over the course of the day.
• The number of people able to gather outdoors – in public spaces such as the park or the beach – will increase to 50.
• Hospitality venues will be able to host 100 people indoors and 200 outdoors, subject to density requirements. QR-code record-keeping will be mandatory.
• In smaller venues – those with less than 200 square metres of floor space – one person per two square metres will be allowed, but capacity will be capped at 50.
• The limit for weddings, funerals and indoor religious ceremonies will increase to 150 people.
• Cinemas, galleries and museums will be able to host up to 150 people indoors.
• Hairdressing, beauty and personal-care services that require clients to remove their masks – such as facials and beard trimming – can resume.
• Large multipurpose sports facilities (such as Melbourne Sports and Aquatics Centre, YMCAs and basketball stadiums) can operate at 25 per cent capacity, following the one-person-per-four-square-metre rule.
• Contact and non-contact sports will be allowed for 150 indoors (with groups of up to 20) and for 500 outdoors (with groups of up to 50).
• Indoor pools can host 150 people, outdoor pools can host 300.
• Saunas, steam rooms and non-chlorinated spas can open.
• Staff and students in higher education and training can return to campus.
• No restrictions on purpose, number or time limits for visitors to care homes or hospitals.
• Visitors to accommodation capped at 15.

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From November 30:
• Twenty-five per cent of staff will be able to return to ons-ite work, in adherence with density requirements. The other 75 per cent will need to remain at home.

From December 14:
• Households will be able to host 30 people across the course of the day, in time for Christmas, end-of-year celebrations and the final days of Hanukkah. Babies under 12 months won’t count towards the cap.