The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) has today released draft plans that could drastically change the face of the 51-year-old Preston Market and its surrounding precinct. That includes 5.1 hectares of privately owned land bordered by Murray Road, Cramer Street, High Street and St Georges Road.

The proposal’s substantial residential aspect includes buildings between 12 and 20 storeys high. “We expect 4500 to 6000 new residents will call the precinct home with a minimum of 2200 extra dwellings,” a new community brochure reads.

A market area of “about the same size” is accounted for in the plans – as well as the retention of the existing fruit-and-veg shed – but the market will be reorientated to have a Cramer Street frontage. Many of the 120 stalls will relocate, but the plans say they’ll be able to trade continuously while other parts of the precinct are under construction.

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VPA began a process of review and community engagement for the site in 2017, and public consultation on the latest plans is now open. But fears remain around maintaining the market’s heritage value and securing its future as an institution that caters to the existing, diverse Preston community.

Last month, Darebin mayor Lina Messina launched a petition, which at the time of publishing had almost 3500 signatures. “For more than 50 years Preston Market has been the heart of the Preston community,” the page reads. “But now the market’s unique values are under threat from a proposed development of the site.”

In a statement issued on May 16, Sam Tarascio – managing director of Salta Properties, which owns the market with Medich Corporation – said: “We can assure traders and patrons that there is no intention to move the market away from its current site or to interrupt trading. We are committed to preserving the market culture and identity.”

Read the draft plans in their entirety here. They’re open for community consultation until July 13.