An effective return to normality is expected when 90 per cent of Victorians over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated, which the state government’s road map predicts will be around next Wednesday November 24, but could be as early as this week. Here’s what you need to know.
When 90 per cent of Victorians over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated:
• There will be no limits on gatherings in the home or outdoors.
• Masks will only be required in high-risk indoor settings, settings where there are low vaccination levels and settings where you cannot physically distance.
• Hospitality, retail and entertainment venues can operate at maximum capacity, subject to vaccination rates and Covid-safe measures.
• On-site work can return for the fully vaccinated.
• Major events can proceed with no attendee caps or density limits for the fully vaccinated, subject to Covid-safe measures.
• State-significant venues hosting major events will need to have one-off approval for their Covid-safe plans. Events with significant numbers of children may not be able to operate at full capacity while vaccines remain unavailable for children.
• Vaccination requirements will remain, including for non-essential retail.
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