The St Kilda Marina was Australia’s first large-scale marina when it opened in the late ’60s. Now, the City of Port Phillip has unveiled plans for a dramatic face lift.
The proposed plans make more of the marina’s space open to the public – right now that’s about four per cent, but it’ll increase to 50 per cent. And for the first time, you’ll be able to walk along the peninsula from Elwood Beach to St Kilda Beach (instead of detouring along Marine Parade). There’ll also be far less fencing, so the marina will flow more seamlessly into the adjoining public areas.
Other proposed features include better pedestrian and bike paths (including changes to decongest high-traffic sections along the Bay Trail); a redesign of the car park (which will allow it to host festivals, markets and other community events); increased capacity for boats; and an extra 145 square metres for hospitality or retail businesses on Marine Parade (which could be upped by a further 1255 square metres if there’s demand).
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SIGN UPThe current tenant’s 50-year lease ended last year, and the new designs are by the council’s preferred new tenant, the Australian Marina Development Corporation, which plans to invest $30 million in the redevelopment – with some community involvement.
“We believe this proposal really hits the mark in terms of the clever design and social and environmental benefits,” Port Phillip’s mayor Bernadene Voss said in a statement.
The plans are open for public feedback until August 15, and the council makes a final decision on September 16. Have your say here.