Buying face masks by the box can get pricey, but they’re an easy way to help stop the spread of Covid.
So, the state government has just announced a plan to give away more than three million free N95 and KN95 masks to Victorians this winter.
They’ll be handed out through state-run testing sites and community health services, across Victoria’s public transport network, and at some upcoming multicultural events.
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SIGN UPIf you show up for a free RAT or PCR test in the next four to six weeks, you’ll get a box of 10 masks alongside a set of instructions on the most effective way to wear them.
“Wearing a mask, staying up to date with your vaccinations and ensuring indoor areas are well ventilated are all steps Victorians and businesses can take to manage their own Covid-19 risk this winter and into the future,” said health minister Mary-Anne Thomas in a statement.
In Victoria, masks are still mandatory in high-risk settings like hospitals, aged-care facilities and on public transport. But they’re still strongly recommended in indoor settings and in instances where you can’t physically distance.