Last week, we published a heartwarming story on Alan Adler – perhaps the “most photographed man in Australia” – who’s behind Flinders Street Station’s iconic coin-operated black-and-white photo booth.

It was to mark two milestones: Adler’s 90th birthday, and the photo booth’s 50th.

We got a huge response to the story on Instagram, so we did a call out, asking you – our readers – to share your most memorable stories of the photo booth. Here are some of our favourites:

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“Mum has taken me every year on my birthday for 25 years. I love seeing us growing up together.”

“Circa 2000, before we caught the train home, we took pics in the booth at Flinders Street [and] spent the whole day exploring the city. Think Smoke Dreams and the original Dangerfield.”

“We have been going there every year on my son’s birthday. It’s getting squishy.”

“I met Alan when I first moved to Melbourne [and] he gave us a ‘test’ image!”

“Our first family photo of three – best day captured.”

“Drunken night. Shared forgotten memory. Sunrise.”

“I was 16 and took photos with my first great love. I still have them! Such a beautiful time.”

“Teen city adventure that always started with a photo booth selfie – tradition.”

“Around 3am one Sunday morning about seven of us packed into one of them and got some snaps.”

“Getting out of the suburbs as a teenager in the ’80s, so excited to be in the city with friends.”

“My bestie from school … it was 1979, we were 16, still got the photos, we’re still friends.”

“I took a girl on a third date here. She’s now my girlfriend. (We have the photos to show!)”

“Yes … 15 years of memories and celebrations … weddings, babies, dogs, friends.”

Alan Adler’s photo booth is on the corner of Flinders and Elizabeth streets.
