Tucked-away CBD cocktail bar Romeo Lane – known for its classic cocktails and intimate, old-world charm – is closing this weekend.
The team took to Instagram yesterday to call last drinks on the Crossley Street venue.
“For circumstances outside of our control, regarding our building, it’s time for us to wrap up at this location,” the post reads. “But we’ll reappear soon, for a while longer, in the company of some wonderful friends not too far away.”
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SIGN UPJoe Jones and Rita Ambroz opened the tiny table-service spot in the city almost a decade ago, and it’s since become one of Melbourne’s favourite cocktail bars.
“We’ve been privileged to operate where we have and be a part of our community for almost nine years now,” the post continues. “The opportunities this business has afforded us, and the relationships it’s forged, have been an honour. We’re lucky beyond doubt to have served you all and infinitely better off for having done so.”
If you want a chance to say goodbye, it’ll be open on Friday and Saturday from 3pm to 12am. “There’ll be a short, sharp menu of hits – lots of good music and memory.”
Romeo Lane’s last service is this Saturday June 18.