Saturday morning in Melbourne was brisk. But, fervent as ever, a crowd of Lune loyalists were rugged – and lined – up outside its new Armadale croissanterie even before the door swung open at 8am sharp.
Co-owner siblings Kate and Cam Reid were on the tools – pouring coffees and preening pastries, respectively – while the masses made their way through the beautifully brutalist store, perching at the cube-shaped weathered-brass counter while they waited.
Broadsheet photographer Arianna Leggiero was there to capture all the opening-day action. As expected, there were ear-to-ear smiles, and paper bags filled to the brim with croissants and cruffins. Plus, almost as many (patiently waiting) pups as pastries.
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SIGN UPLune Armadale
835 High Street, Armadale
Mon to Fri 7.30am–3pm (or until sold out)
Sat & Sun 8am–3pm (or until sold out)