“Like Mother’s Day every day.”

That’s how Rita Macali describes the frenzy of the last few weeks at Supermaxi.

In early July, she announced that the Italian diner she runs with partner Giovanni Patane was closing for good, after 12 years on St Georges Road in Fitzroy North. “There have been tears, shock, they can’t believe it,” Macali said at the time, of breaking the news to some of her regulars.

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Its final service was last Saturday night, July 30. And Broadsheet photographer Jessie Evans was there as Supermaxi stans got one last chance to say arrivederci.

It was a full house – and the ever-enthusiastic Patane did the rounds. There were heartfelt bear-hug goodbyes and glasses raised every which way. And, of course, one last hit of the old-school hospitality that made the restaurant feel like it had been around forever.

Supermaxi’s final service was on Saturday July 30.
