While restrictions continue to ease for restaurants, the rule allowing a maximum of 10 people per indoor space remains firm.

To make it workable, Attica is bringing something completely new to its Ripponlea dining room.

Introducing Attica in Between: an intimate 10-person dining experience, with 10 never-before-seen dishes, which launches this Friday. “It isn’t Attica pre-Covid, and it isn’t necessarily what Attica will be in the future, but it is Attica now,” chef and owner Ben Shewry said in a press release.

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The menu draws on everything the kitchen team has learned during lockdown – “From having my mind expanded by the cooking of different cultures through our staff, to a luxurious and ridiculously fun picnic in the park with artist mate Reko Rennie and our loved ones,” Shewry said.

Attica in Between is open for dinner Tuesday to Saturday, and lunch on Saturday, from November 13. It costs $5000 for up to 10 diners, to be paid upon booking. Drinks will be charged on consumption. Book here.
