Melburnians have been calling Healeys Lane, which stretches from Lonsdale Street to Little Lonsdale Street, “Koreatown” for years now. The street is filled with Korean bars, cafes and restaurants, including Rosheen Kaul’s go-to hangover spot Seven Star Pocha, street food bar The Seoul Toast Bong and an outpost of Australian-born, Korean-style fried chicken chain Gami.

The Future Melbourne Committee, a group formed by the City of Melbourne council that meets twice a month, passed a vote to ratify the precinct during a meeting on Tuesday September 3.

“Council has ‘put a ring on it’ – making our Koreatown status official – joining colourful Koreatowns in cities like Toronto, LA, New York and Sydney,” Lord Mayor Nick Reece said in a statement.

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Koreatown will soon be marked by four jangseung, Korean totem poles that were traditionally used to protect villages from evil spirits.