Over 120 years old, Henry Bucks is an institution. Few can boast such longevity and even fewer that they're a family business. Synonymous with tailoring and the classic gentleman, Henry Bucks is where you’ll find the finest suits in the finest materials, shirts made-to-measure and all the accoutrements you’ll ever need to pass yourself off as a fine, upstanding citizen. Along with some of the best formal and business attire, Henry Bucks also offers casual wear made to the same exacting standards.

Downstairs, rack after rack of cords, chinos and flannels are available in a spectrum of colours. You can also get a close shave and a Dormeuil suit from the custom-made program via experienced, long-time employees.

This is old-school menswear retail in all its glory. Rest assured you’ll never be led astray, after 120 years of practice, one would think they know what they’re doing.

Henry Bucks is currently undergoing renovations. Check back to this page soon for photos of the new store.

Contact Details

Updated: April 15th, 2019

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