Around the world, there are great mysteries that will never be solved. How the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, for example. Who constructed Stonehenge and what they used it for. And why this fella: 🍆 has become the pre-eminent phallic emoji of our time, beating out the far more qualified 🍌 , 🌽
and 🌭. (you'll understand if you're reading this on an Android phone).
We don’t have the answer.
Neither does Anthony Daniel. But he does have a supply of real-life eggplants you can send your friend, spouse, workmate, parent, grandparent, child or anyone else who appreciates emoji-related innuendo. For the not-that-low price of $18, his company, Eggplants Express, will deliver a polished purple peeper and a personalised message to any door in Australia. For $25, his team will get it anywhere in Sydney (Daniel's home city) within 24 hours.
“I really screwed up, it was anniversary time and I completely forgot,” Daniel says. “I get my girlfriend flowers delivered every year, but I didn’t want it to be ‘flowers again’.” I wanted to send something really unique. We always joke about the eggplant emoji, which is how I came up with idea of an anonymous eggplant.”
It’s a lot subtler than Dicks by Mail. And kinder than Glitter Bomb Your Enemies. And less original than Eggplant Mail. Which raises the question: what is the oddly specific Eggplants Express for? Apart from people who love making baba ganoush, that is.
The website says: “Remember the days when you were excited to get mail? Now all you get is bills ... Imagine if instead you were sent a real life eggplant.”
You’d … be really confused? Yeah, we don’t get it either.