Above All Else: No Shark Cage, No Worries

You want to talk danger? Talk to a professional abalone diver. In partnership with Asahi Super Dry, we follow one diver who works without a cage in WA’s shark-infested waters.

Gyula Plaganyi has encountered a few great white sharks in the past year. Still, he prefers to dive without a cage. More than most jobs, wild abalone harvesting calls for an acute awareness of yourself and your surrounds, and Plaganyi trusts his instincts. He takes keen notice of seals and how other animals are acting in the water, and uses their movement to sense if a shark is around.

He also relies on his small crew, which accompanies him out on the water. His team keeps him safe and keeps loneliness at bay. Diving can be an isolating job, so the crew plays an important role in providing company and support. It’s cold from the moment they wake up in their tents, to when they dive into the middle of the ocean.

Watch the video above to see the passion Plaganyi has for understanding himself, which keeps him safe in the water.

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This video is produced in partnership with Asahi Super Dry.

Produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Asahi Super Dry.

Produced by Broadsheet in partnership with Asahi Super Dry.
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