Earlier this week, the team behind Melbourne’s hottest new Italian restaurant, Cucina Povera – Maurice Terzini (of Sydney’s iconic Icebergs) and Joe Vargetto (of Melbourne’s Mister Bianco) – confirmed that it was closed “for the time being”. It was unexpected news, given the diner had only been open for a month.
A sign on the door said that it was closed due to the Covid crisis, while media reports, as well as since-deleted Instagram comments, led people to speculate that there might be other reasons, including a breakdown in the partnership between Terzini and Vargetto.
At the time, Vargetto told Broadsheet: “It is very unfortunate that it has come to this situation, but we have had to close Cucina Povera for the time being.”
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SIGN UPBut a new statement issued to Broadsheet this morning by Vargetto’s representative reads: “It is an unfortunate situation, but Vargetto will not be reopening Cucina Povera.”
While Vargetto has made his position clear, the future of the restaurant itself – and the involvement of co-owner Terzini – remains up in the air. Broadsheet reached out to Terzini directly, who did not want to comment.