Bar Americano is known for its stiff drinks, superb service and standing-room-only set-up. It’s as quintessentially Melbourne as laneway bars come. And it’s one of our absolute best, taking its cues from both Italian aperitivo culture and American hustle.
But the maverick behind it, Matt Bax, says he’s been forced to call last drinks.
“I survived 11 years in Presgrave [Place], including Covid, but I didn’t survive a new landlord,” he wrote on Instagram tonight. “We just received a letter today with zero consultation that we need to be out by November.
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SIGN UP“With such short notice, I obviously don’t have a new location or anything positive to report,” the post goes on. “So, if you want one last Negroni at 20 Presgrave Place, consider this [your] warning. Currently I was operating Wednesday to Saturday but, in light of this news, that might be extended.
“Thanks Melbourne, it’s been a roller-coaster at times, especially the last three years, but it’s been an honour to serve you,” the post concludes.
“I'm still a bit in shock and still processing the news,” Bax tells Broadsheet. “But I don't know if it means 100 per cent the death of Bar Americano as a business.”
Bax opened the tiny bar, licensed for just 10 people, in 2011. Earlier this year, in an interview with Broadsheet, he described it as “unapologetically small and specialised. Fussy, but hopefully in a welcoming way. We don’t have the space to generalise so we just try to do a few things really well. We try to make the best Italian classic cocktails we can. It’s essentially a love poem to all the tiny bars of Italy. Think Venice’s Harry’s Bar crossed with the local cafe across the road from Palermo’s [soccer stadium] Stadio Renzo Barbera.”
The closure announcement comes after Bar Americano’s stint as Bar Sabbatico, an experimental new concept by Bax and bartender Matty Packham.
Bax is also the force behind gallery Grau Projekt, which is currently in the process of relocating from Clifton Hill, and the now-closed Bar Economico and Bar Exuberante.
Bar Americano is closing on October 29.