Foodbank Victoria is urgently calling on Victorians to donate eight pantry staples towards its emergency food drive in Yarraville next month. These items include tuna, rice, pasta, cereal, pasta sauce, UHT milk, canned fruit and canned vegetables.
The hunger relief charity feeds 65,000 people per day, but says it’s running “dangerously low” on food. It is asking people across Victoria to collect and drop off as many of the eight pantry staples as they can to its warehouse at 4/2 Somerville Road, Yarraville, between 10am and 3pm on August 10 & 11.
Foodbank Victoria says the cost-of-living crisis is hampering its ability to keep shelves stocked as donations from food partners have declined due to increased production costs. This upcoming drive is the first emergency relief fund the charity has needed to hold since the 2019-2020 bushfires.
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SIGN UP“There’s much less to donate to Foodbank at a time when demand is the highest we’ve ever seen and rising. We’re spending more money on food, around $5 million in the last year,” the charity said in a press release.
“But with 65,000 people to feed every day, no matter how hard we work, we can’t keep enough food on our shelves.”
If you’re unable to donate in person, Foodbank says the best way to help is to donate or purchase items through its virtual food drive.
If you’re facing food insecurity, Foodbank Victoria provides meals and groceries.