If the five-kilometre radius has kept you and Hector’s Deli apart during stage-four lockdown, prepare for a socially distanced reunion.
The excellent Richmond sandwich shop has launched a new, cleverly named “deli-very” service, which includes a brand new range of fresh sangas made with pillowy, sourdough Turkish bread. Delivery is available to a different flock of Melbourne suburbs every day from August 19.
On the current menu: layered-up mortadella with house-made piccalilli (mustard pickle), cheddar cheese and mayo; a lemony chicken-salad sandwich with crunchy cucumber, green oak lettuce and creamy ranch dressing; and roasted eggplant with gooey stracciatella, kale pesto and Calabrian-style chilli paste.
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SIGN UPHector’s diehards can also add good-looking merch (and coffee beans) to their order. And while the deli’s signature toasties – including that tuna melt – aren’t available for delivery, you can still get them in-store.
Hector’s Deli is delivering to different Melbourne suburbs every day between 11am and 12.30pm. Find a full list of suburbs and order online here. There’s free delivery and no minimum orders for the first week.