Muji Pop-Up Food Market in Chatswood

Sat 15th March, 2025 – Sun 16th March, 2025
Muji Chatswood
The Concourse, shop 7&8/405–419 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood
Showcasing some of Japan’s finest culinary delights, the two-day takeover is Sydney’s first food market by the retail favourite.

Japanese retailer Muji – best known for its elevated yet minimal homeware, clothing and stationery – is holding its first Muji Food Market in Sydney at its Chatswood store, following two wildly successful pop-ups in Melbourne.

The market celebrates the arrival of new Muji Food products: condiments, watagashi (fairy floss) and curries. Plus, expect 50 per cent off Muji tea and discounted baumkuchens.

The market at Chatswood will have stalls from five local food specialists. Japanese cheesecake specialists 15 Cenchi will be there, as will Cherry’s Goods of viral Bondi cafe Up South. Melbourne’s Cha Haus is bringing its yuzu tea, and Broadsheet favourite Parami will serve its standout onigiri. Dai’s Natto will have a stall selling locally made natto (fermented whole soybeans).

Entry to the market is free, and it's open from 11am to 4pm.
